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Yoga Chakras

September Reset

Can you believe we are in the last weeks of summer? I hope you are squeezing out every last bit of fun and sun as August winds down and we turn our energies to the start of school and fall activities.

To me, the month of September has always felt like an opportunity for a fresh start, a renewal, a time to set intentions and to release what isn’t serving me anymore.  More so than New Year’s Day, this seasonal transition from Summer to Fall inspires me to refocus on goals for growth and where and with whom I want to put my energies.

With that in mind, the focus of my in-person and virtual classes will be on the 7 main chakras. Each week we will move and breathe to a different chakra, bringing balance and vibrancy to our energy body. 

You might be asking, what is a chakra?  Simply put, and the most common definition is that a chakra is a spinning wheel of energy that aligns with the Sushumna (not to be confused with the spinal cord).  These wheels are receiving and distributing energy throughout the body through the Nadis.  Nadis are pathways or channels for energy to flow through.

I want to clarify that chakras are not visible to the eye, nor can they be detected on X-rays or other imaging technology.  They cannot be touched, but their energy correlates with the physical body and impacts our mental and emotional well-being.

So—what can you expect in class? Each week will incorporate yoga poses and short meditation pertaining to the chakra of the week.

We will begin with the Root Chakra, building stability, strength, and a strong foundation to support our movement up the ladder of chakras. The second week will explore the Sacral Chakra, the seat of life, and how we connect to our community and express ourselves creatively. With the foundation laid, and using our ability to go with the flow, we move on to the Navel Chakra. This is our power center – where we draw on our strength to get back up when we are knocked down by life.  Then on to the Heart Chakra, which is the bridge between the lower 3 and upper 3 chakras. The Heart Chakra is unconditional love, hope, harmony, and where we work to let go of things/people that don’t serve our highest self. Next will be the Throat Chakra, which supports and hones our communication and listening skills. Moving to the Third Eye Chakra, our place of wisdom, intuition, and self-knowledge. The last of the 7 main chakras is The Crown Chakra.  This is where we connect with Source, an awakening to grace,  and universal consciousness. 

I hope you will join me on this journey through the chakras!

In other news!

I am excited to be offering in-person classes at Crossroads Coffee House, 2020 Main St. in Cross Plains, WI, beginning September 13, 2022. 

Two great class options on Tuesdays: Vinyasa Flow at 5:30 pm and Gentle Yoga at 7:00pm. Come to one or both! 

Monday and Wednesdays: An opportunity to practice with me virtually beginning September 19th through Main Street Yoga Center, Madison WI. 

See you on your mat!
