More Yoga Classes in Cross Plains!
I am so happy to be able to offer more in-person yoga classes in Cross Plains!
In addition to my regular 5:30p Vinyasa and 7:00p Gentle Yoga at Crossroads Coffee House, I will be teaching yoga at Snap Fitness in their new and lovely space.
Weekly Snap Fitness Classes
Join me this Saturday, October 22nd, 8:30 am for an introductory class! Registration is recommended (https://bit.ly/3RYZ4Ke )
I will be teaching regularly on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Check out the schedule for class times and to sign up. I look forward to seeing you on your mat!
Monthly Reiki + Yoga Workshops with Roots to Wellness
Kristy DuChateau, Roots to Wellness and Sunfire Yoga will offer Restore and Renew – Restorative Yoga with Reiki each month. Learn more and book online at: rootstowellnesshealing.com
Cross Plains Parks & Recreation Department Yoga Class
AND…more to details to come, but mark your calendars to practice with me on Wednesdays through The Village of Cross Plains Parks and Recreation Department.
November 16 and December 14 are both opportunities to practice with me prior to rolling out the Wednesday class schedule for the New Year.
Classes will be held at the Cross Plains Fire Station, 1501 Bourbon Rd.
You can register online at cross-plains.wi.us or purchase a Fit Pass from me prior to the start of class. You can find information about other classes and cost of Fit Pass on the Village of Cross Plains Park and Recreation website.
Cheers to You and Yoga!
Published on Oct 21 2022